The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow (WCDH) recently replaced the railing in front of the Maya Angelou and Culinary suites at 515 Spring Street. The railing and supports had rotted through and were unsafe and unsightly to those who looked close enough. The eave is now supported by stable posts and the railing has been completely rebuilt by the WCDH handyman, Patrick Humphrey. Outgoing WCDH Executive Director, Michelle Hannon, said, “This has been on our wish list for a long time and was something that Woody Barlow really wanted to see done. Woody has retired from the board of directors, but I’m sure he’s as thrilled as the rest of us that we are steadily checking things off his list. He made quite an impact during his service because of his knowledge of our buildings and his conscientious attention to the priority of certain often un-sexy repairs.”
The improvement was made possible through a generous donation by WCDH alumna, award-winning author, and writing coach, Nikki Hanna. Managing Director, Jeanne Glass said, “Making a repair such as this one requires that both suites be empty simultaneously, our handyman is available to do the work, and we have the funding to make it happen. The stars finally aligned. Patrick did a beautiful job, and the new porch railing will last for many years.” Executive Director, Tara Cloud Clark, said, “We are extremely grateful to Nikki for her generosity. It’s wonderful that she chose to sponsor the rebuild of the railing. It might not be the most evident improvement, but it was sorely needed.”
As an author and writing coach, Nikki Hanna is dedicated to championing both novice and seasoned writers. She encourages writers to find a sense of purpose through what they create whether they sell what they write or just write for the joy of it. In addition to numerous contests and awards for poetry, essays, and short stories, Hanna has received the Oklahoma Writers’ Federation’s Crème de la Crème Award and Rose State College’s Outstanding Writer Award. As a self-published author, her book awards include the National Indie Excellence Award, the USA Best Book Finalist Award, two international Book Excellence Awards, four Independent Book Awards, and two Oklahoma Writers’ Federation First Place Book Awards. Hanna has published nine books, three of them on writing, including her new one, “Listen Up, Writer, How Not to Write Like an Amateur.” They are available on Amazon and Kindle. Learn more about her at www.nikkihanna.com.
The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit literary arts organization whose mission is to nurture writers of all genres, backgrounds, and levels of experience in a supportive environment that builds community, energizes creative expression, stimulates new thinking, and optimizes productivity. Since opening its doors to writers in 2000, the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow has made a lasting impact on the arts and literary communities by hosting over 1,800 writers from 48 states and 13 countries. For more information, please call (479)253-7444.