The Board of Directors of the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow (WCDH) recently named Charles L. Templeton eMerge Editor Emeritus. Templeton is the author of Boot: A Sorta Novel of Vietnam. He served on the WCDH Board of Directors from 2014 to 2022 and served as Acquisitions Editor for eMerge, the online literary magazine of WCDH. Templeton created eMerge to offer novice and established WCDH writers of diverse genres an opportunity to see their work published and to nurture their artistic endeavors. Templeton, with the help of his wife, Sandra, and daughter, Cat, published the first issue in the summer of 2017. eMerge will publish four issues in 2022 with about 40 literary pieces in each. It continues to be ad-free and is now edited by a WCDH staff member, Joy Clark. Dairy Hollow Echo, another of Templeton’s projects, is an anthology of selected literary work from the first five years of eMerge. Released in August 2020, it features 107 stories, poems, essays, and other creative work by 87 authors. The book has a 4.8-star rating on Amazon and spent several weeks as an Amazon Best-Seller.
WCDH Board President, Allyn Lord said, “You might well underestimate Charles Templeton upon meeting him. His relaxed demeanor, easy laugh, and gentleness all belie this bona fide author, veteran, and family man. He was among a band of gifted, hard-working board members at the Writers' Colony who generously gave their time and financial support to improve the writing experience and promote authors' works. His long board service was crowned by founding and editing the Colony's eMerge magazine and by compiling the Colony's first anthology, Dairy Hollow Echo. To Charles, we give praise, thanks, appreciation, and homage.”
WCDH Executive Director Michelle Hannon said, “The vision of WCDH is, to be a sanctuary where writing is encouraged, shared, honored, and respected. eMerge is a wonderful platform for us to promote our writers and share work that is as diverse as they are. The Dairy Hollow Echo is an apt celebration of our writers and the impact that WCDH has had made over the last 20 years, and none of it would have happened without Charles and his amazing family.”
The Dairy Hollow Echo may be purchased at WCDH during office hours (Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00). Print and Kindle versions are also available from Amazon. Proceeds benefit the WCDH scholarship fund and the continuation of eMerge. The current and past issues of eMerge may be read at https://emerge-writerscolony.org.
The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow would like to thank Charles Templeton, his wife Sandra, and his daughter Cat, for conceiving the idea for a WCDH online literary magazine, seeing it through to fruition and nurturing it for the last five years. Together, they spent over 400 hours on editing, artistic design, and coding to publish eMerge on behalf of WCDH. If it wasn’t for their support, eMerge would not exist. Learn more about Charles Templeton and his writing at www.charlestempleton.com.
The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow is a 501(c)3 nonprofit literary arts organization whose mission is to nurture writers of all genres, backgrounds, and levels of experience in a supportive environment that builds community, energizes creative expression, stimulates new thinking, and optimizes productivity. Since opening its doors to writers in 2000, the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow has made a lasting impact on the arts and literary communities hosting over 1,800 writers from 48 states and 13 countries.